Friday, July 22, 2011

Daily dance

I was told once by a client that I was "The Mary Poppins of Pilates Instructors." I never quite got what she meant by that until now. As a teacher I give exercises and workouts, but my idea of a lesson learned is one that's internalized. You take it home, you play with it, you make it fun.

Now I get a dose of my own lesson, hopefully with a little something sweet to make the medicine go down.

I went back to the doctor a few days ago. He and his assistant seemed very surprised at my recovery so far. I think that it's partly that I'm a trainer, so I tend to be fit. I've also learned a decent amount about nutrition, cook and eat well (for more on that, check out my other blog!). I am a novice in the art of homeopathics, but am discovering that they are potent and useful. In addition to all that, I am into gravity. It's my friend and I use it. I don't fight it. There's nothing that can get a person to stand up better than being on speaking terms with what my daughter calls "the force that makes you fall down and go boom on your tushy."

This is how I got both of my drains out after only one week out of surgery, I think. I am still extremely limited in what I'm allowed to do, but I did discover that I can sweep the floor thanks to a little footwork.

(Yes, if you were wondering, I am standing on one foot while taking this pic with one hand. That's just how stable I feel now without the extra hole in my middle!)

So, the thought for the day is to check out gravity and how it works with the body. You don't have to be an athlete or even especially fit, and although it's a nice thing to do, you don't even have to make a special time or space for it. Gravity is everywhere and suffuses everything we are and do. See what it does and play a little. 

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