Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Feet from square one

This is what I work on with people. We isolate all the muscles that mobilize the toes, especially the big one, and trace them up the arch. Then we go through the joints of the forefoot into the ankle. We explore how the ankle works, then we get it to move. We find the calcaneous, the bone that drops down to make the heel and we release the stored up tension that builds there from heel striking. Then we build strength throughout the foot, and up into the body so the client can go out and have fun on their feet without pain.

I will be back at The Body Gallery starting at the end of August. Just drop me an e-mail if you are interested in working on your foundations.

As I feel more human I think more about my feet. Even at this stage of healing I seem to be able to stand very steadily on one foot without the usual wiggle up top. Even on my weak side! Good sign.

For those of you who are just tuning in - last week I had long-awaited surgery to stitch up an umbilical hernia and rectus diastasis. In other words, like many older women who have had kids, my body didn't bounce back and instead got a hole in it where none should be. See yesterday's post for more on that.

I can't use my abdominals for anything...I can carry only up to 10 lbs, which is less than my knitting, so this is good. Meanwhile, I've discovered that snagging clean laundry between (clean) toes and tossing it up on the bed makes it possible for me to fold clothes. I can now officially say that child-proof drawer-locks are completely accessible by foot. :-)

Bit by bit.

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